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Jr. Ambassador




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D'Asia Kaliyah Leathers is a 21 year old Cincinnati native and recent graduate of Ohio University. Majoring In Journalism with areas of specialization in both Media Arts and African American Studies, D'Asia had her sights set on becoming a newscaster. However her love and passion for the entertainment industry was something that she couldn't steer away from. Attending a Performance Arts School from grades 4th - 12th, and having a theater focus all 9 years, D'Asia found herself cast in several renowned stage plays including, "Secret's...What's Swept Under The Rug?" written and directed by Alisa Diane Anderson which traveled to Columbus, Ohio, Atlanta, Georgia and her hometown of Cincinnati Ohio from 2009 - 2011 respectively.  As a result of her performance in the above mentioned stage play, Alisa took D'Asia under wing and mentored her in both theater and film. In 2017, Alisa employed D'Asia as her personal assistant and inserted her as a Production Assistant on the Web Series "Saved In The City." This experience left a deep imprint on D'Asia and ultimately put her on the path that lead her straight to Hollywood. 


In August 2018, D'Asia relocated to Los Angeles California to further her entertainment pursuits, and continues to work alongside Alisa in the ongoing production of "Saved In The City."

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